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for the tongues
of the daughters, mothers, muses, sisters
for the holes of the voices,
depths, lengths, spaces, places, and cavities
for the guardians of the mouth.
»Diaries have ruled the private space of many for centuries. My diaries are, on the contrary, fully exposed, sometimes even written for the public. While holding a diary, I noticed an important thread a female body forms: from the bottom, a vagina, climbing up a spine to the similarly shaped hole in our throats – the vocal folds. This voice of mine fought and seduced armies, often winning wars: through oral histories, erotics, morality, organized silences, pleasures and displeasures, vocal narratives, inhabiting landscapes, and wholeness.«
In the context of »Zerbrechlichkeit«, a project by Vivien Mercedes Jester currently on display at M BOOKS, Kracunovic interacts with the chained environment using her diary and penetrates both the content from its pages and the chains with her tongue.
Code:o is a technique of filtered diary reading and a code that addresses all the holes in the female body; the body of the mistress, muse, daughter, and lover while guarding the cavities. Kracunovic uses her body and voice to narrate her diary texts intimately, exposing her poems, confessions, and stories to the audience.
Nadja Kracunovic (Nađa Kračunović, b.1996) is a Serbian-born, multimedia artist based in Germany. In her interdisciplinary art practice, she focuses on the experience of the private, female, bureaucratic, artistic, and disciplined bodies. Revivifying stages in public spaces, she brings female characters to life through cabarets and monodramas in performative investigations, drawing materials from her diaries, folk tales, family history, and intimate encounters. Dealing with societal stigmas, she breeds feminine narratives using body materials such as hair and saliva, humor, and poetry.
Nadja is the initiator of the never-ending experimental radio station futurenostalgia.fm, dealing with the constant uncertainty of our times, and co-founder of the Crying Classroom, a collaborative, civil, and artistic project that researches crying through the self-governing community.
»Code:o«, performative diary reading, Nađa Kračunović
10.09.2023, 17 Uhr
Die Veranstaltung kann ohne Voranmeldung besucht werden. Der Eintritt ist frei.
for the tongues
of the daughters, mothers, muses, sisters
for the holes of the voices,
depths, lengths, spaces, places, and cavities
for the guardians of the mouth.
»Diaries have ruled the private space of many for centuries. My diaries are, on the contrary, fully exposed, sometimes even written for the public. While holding a diary, I noticed an important thread a female body forms: from the bottom, a vagina, climbing up a spine to the similarly shaped hole in our throats – the vocal folds. This voice of mine fought and seduced armies, often winning wars: through oral histories, erotics, morality, organized silences, pleasures and displeasures, vocal narratives, inhabiting landscapes, and wholeness.«
In the context of »Zerbrechlichkeit«, a project by Vivien Mercedes Jester currently on display at M BOOKS, Kracunovic interacts with the chained environment using her diary and penetrates both the content from its pages and the chains with her tongue.
Code:o is a technique of filtered diary reading and a code that addresses all the holes in the female body; the body of the mistress, muse, daughter, and lover while guarding the cavities. Kracunovic uses her body and voice to narrate her diary texts intimately, exposing her poems, confessions, and stories to the audience.
Nadja Kracunovic (Nađa Kračunović, b.1996) is a Serbian-born, multimedia artist based in Germany. In her interdisciplinary art practice, she focuses on the experience of the private, female, bureaucratic, artistic, and disciplined bodies. Revivifying stages in public spaces, she brings female characters to life through cabarets and monodramas in performative investigations, drawing materials from her diaries, folk tales, family history, and intimate encounters. Dealing with societal stigmas, she breeds feminine narratives using body materials such as hair and saliva, humor, and poetry.
Nadja is the initiator of the never-ending experimental radio station futurenostalgia.fm, dealing with the constant uncertainty of our times, and co-founder of the Crying Classroom, a collaborative, civil, and artistic project that researches crying through the self-governing community.